Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Using a Waste Broker

A waste broker is an entity that companies use as an intermediary between themselves and their trash haulers. Brokers usually take over their clients' trash procedures and become the customer of the waste hauler, and then in turn bill their clients for trash service. Brokers may sign contracts directly with waste haulers, or may instead choose to do business on a month-to-month basis with their trash vendors. Companies use brokers for everything from medical waste to recyclables to grease traps.

Many large corporations and restaurant chains elect to use a waste broker because brokers offer consolidated billing. Consolidated billing allows for accounts payable to receive one itemized statement detailing trash service and price at multiple locations all throughout the country, rather than receiving several different invoices from various trash haulers in different parts of the country. Consolidated billing can simplify things for a company from an accounting perspective, but one of the drawbacks is that there is no transparency – in other words, the broker can mark up the cost for trash service and build in a profit for themselves without the customer realizing it. Brokers typically make their money by either adding a fixed per-location charge to their invoice, or by marking up the amount the vendor charges them.

It is important for a business to realize the pros and cons when deciding whether or not to use a broker. While billing consolidation is convenient, using a broker takes away a business’s ability to decide what trash vendor they would prefer to use and does not allow companies to see the actual invoices for waste removal. What separates Global Trash Solutions from most brokers is that we make the customer’s preference our top priority. While we make recommendations that always yield a positive financial impact, we always leave the decision of what trash vendor to use or what service to utilize up to our clients. We also allow our customers to see their invoices each month, so they know exactly what their costs are.

 Call GTS at: 877-367-5495

Monday, November 19, 2012

Steps to repair a Dumpster Compactor

Is your compactor broken and in disrepair? Are you weighing your options in terms of whether to fix the machine or not? Global Trash Solutions is the nation’s most trusted dumpster compactor source.

 It is important to call a company who has your best interest at heart. Global Trash Solution’s client base is wide ranging and we have seen every single type of problem out there in terms older compactors at the end of their life. In today’s economy it is more important than ever to make decisions that will benefit your business for years to come. Our technicians will diagnose the problem with your dumpster compactor and provide our Client Services division with a detailed report of what it will take to get the compactor back up and running. Once we know what it will take to fix the compacting dumpster, we can then offer you all of the options available to fit your needs. This approach enables the customer to make decisions in the comfort of their office instead of out in the trash coral.

Since we offer such peace of mind to our clients, we feel our dumpster compactor division is second to none. The most important thing to Global Trash Solutions is that when our client has a broken compactor and is in need of support we want our customers to weigh options with all of the information in front of them BEFORE they say yes to any repair. The last thing we would ever want is for a customer to feel that they made a decision to fix a compacting dumpster under pressure. Our business model is to provide customers with options that are pressure free and designed to help you, the business owner, to make the most educated decision possible while trusting that you are working with the best company out there in terms of service – Global Trash Solutions. Call us today for a free estimate (866) 760-8194.