Thursday, December 26, 2013

Can The Mandatory Recycling Ordinance in Miami Beach Actually Save Your Business Money?

There is some controversy surrounding the newly enacted mandatory recycling legislature for commercial properties and businesses in Miami Beach. Some business owners feel that the government is overstepping its bounds by requiring that they separate recyclables like glass, plastic, cardboard, and aluminum from the rest of the solid waste that leaves their business. There are others who feel that the mandate is a hassle because requiring their employees to separate recyclables increases labor costs. The most pressing question many business owners are asking is this: How can a mandatory policy that involves the policing of my company's trash and fines for violations possibly save my business money?

The way the ordinance is written may be what is contributing to so much fear and confusion about recycling in Miami Beach. According to the ordinance, inspectors may, after presenting their credentials, enter the business and perform an inspection in order to determine whether the business is recycling the minimum requirement of it's refuse. If found not to be compliant with the new legislature, the business can be issued a violation and fined $350.00 for the first offense, $500.00 for the second offense, $1,000.00 for the third offense, and a whopping $5,000.00 for each subsequent offense. With the threat of fines like those mentioned, it's no wonder business owners in Miami Beach are biting their nails over the new ordinance, which took effect in June of 2013.

To those who know much about the waste and recycling industry, this new mandate could turn out to be a blessing in disguise for businesses in Miami Beach. When the team at Global Trash Solutions first learned of the new mandate from a client who owns several restaurants in Miami Beach this past summer, we were excited to help him ensure compliance with all of the new recycling laws. We  helped our client customize stickers for lobby trash cans so customers could participate in source separation. 

Global Trash Solutions is no stranger to mandatory recycling; we have hundreds of clients in places like Seattle and San Francisco, where mandatory recycling includes not only bottles, cans, mixed paper, and cardboard, but also organics and food items. We love helping our clients recycle, not only because it is good for the planet, but because landfill diversion always has a positive financial impact on businesses that participate. Recyclables are commodities, and we recognize that salvaging a commodity from the trash can add value in many ways if you have the right connections. If you are confused or bewildered by the recycling mandates in your area, please call us today for assistance. We are here to help.   

Image Courtesy of supakitmod /

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

New York City – Mandatory Organics Recycling

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is no stranger to controversy. Over the course of his three terms, scores of borough residents have expressed outrage over his ban on trans-fats, stop and frisk and the city's massive school closings, among other things. Despite his perceived shortcomings, his ultimate legacy could be linked to the long term results of the rapidly-expanding organic recycling program that he started last May.
The organic recycling program involves city eateries and residences conscientiously separating food scraps from non-perishable items, and storing them in sealed trash containers. The developing mulch would then be used as crop fertilizer and energy use capabilities. For participants in the program, strict adherence is important to prevent odors on company premises, as well as preventing insects and larger animals from foraging. It is important for small businesses, such as restaurants and other commercial kitchens which naturally produce and accumulate a high volume of food scraps to focus on what they do best; serving high quality meals in a clean and friendly atmosphere. How is a restaurateur or commercial kitchen manager to know anything about organics recycling?  Business owners in New York City are expected to make every effort to participate in organics recycling, yet are given very little in the way of information from the City.  Mayor Bloomberg expects to introduce legislation that would require schools, hospitals and restaurants to sort left over food waste and divert it from garbage that is headed to the landfill and trash incinerators. This change would probably not take effect until 2015 because the lead time for such a drastic change in a city like New York means a change in culture and how people handle their trash
Why go at this alone when Global Trash Solutions can help you better manage your trash and recycling?  GTS already works with hundreds of restaurants in California, Oregon and Washington where mandatory organics recycling is nothing new.  Please don't be forced to change on short notice; call Global Solutions at (866) 760-8194, and help keep your garbage problems manageable with real time solutions at no additional cost to your business.

Image courtesy of Damian Brandon