Wednesday, December 17, 2014

What Is the Cheapest Way To Recycle My Cardboard?

Does your business produce so much cardboard that it has become a problem that inhibits your production or limits your space? Are you running out of places to store cardboard? Have you thought about using a different vendor to pick up your cardboard, or changed companies to save money, only to find yourself paying more than you were originally? Are you charged random "recycling surcharges" or "offset fees" on your cardboard invoice? Does this seem right to you?
            What many business owners may not realize about the cardboard recycling commodity market is that there are no fixed costs for cardboard disposal. The marketplace is diverse, and cardboard holds more value in some areas than others. Most hauling companies capitalize on cardboard disposal by inserting language into their contracts that require customers use their services for all recycling removal, and then turn around and sell that cardboard for profit. Most hauling companies have sort facilities where they can bale the cardboard they collect into palletized cubes and sell it to purchasers.

            Over the years, Global Trash Solutions (GTS) has partnered with many different cardboard recyclers throughout the country (including waste haulers) who offer our clients the best available price in the market for cardboard disposal. In many cases GTS can cut cardboard recycling costs to a fraction of what they originally were, but in some cases when there is enough volume and baling equipment is warranted, GTS can turn what was originally a cost into an asset. Practically all cardboard purchasers will only buy and transport large quantities of baled cardboard, and GTS helps clients facilitate the entire process. GTS supplies baling equipment, negotiates trash and recycling costs, and always makes sure our clients are getting the best possible rates for cardboard recycling no matter where they are geographically located. Please contact us today at (866) 760-8194 for information on how we can specifically help your organization find the cheapest way to recycle cardboard.