Thursday, January 23, 2014

How do I Keep my Businesses Garbage Costs from Increasing?

Do you own a business that generates enough refuse to make collection of garbage and recyclables a line item on your P & L statement worth investigating? Have you ever noticed that, over time, your trash and recycling collection price has been raised by a considerable amount - maybe even as much as 40-50% over the years? Have various recurring surcharges suddenly made appearances on your monthly garbage statement, like rude uninvited dinner guests who expect you to feed them each month, asking only for chuck burgers at first, but demanding garnished prime filet mignon and lobster tails before the year is over?  Do you find yourself frustrated because these charges were never discussed with you when you set up service? Have you been charged an alleged "fuel surcharge" that only seems to go up, even when diesel prices go down?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of the above questions, consider yourself the average commercial customer to the average waste hauling company in the United States. Almost without exception, hauling companies' standard business practice is to get their customer in the door at a rate that appears at first to be fair, and then gradually increasing their prices or tacking on a laundry list of surcharges that cause their "out the door" price to increase substantially over time. Unless you have worked for one of these companies, it is almost impossible to avoid overpaying by some amount, because these practices are par for the course for every major hauler in the US (and most of the minor ones, too).

If you are looking for help reducing your businesses waste and recycling expenses, look no further - Global Trash Solutions guarantees that your business will save at minimum 10% on waste and recycling services (although our average savings per client hovers around 38%.) GTS has enrolled over 1,000 new businesses in our savings program in the past 18 months alone. GTS has the relationships and expertise to lower your expenses and keep them low. We also offer a single point of contact for garbage and recycling service who actually answers the phone when you call, which we feel is rare in this day and age. Our average turnaround time for service-related issues is less than 24-hours. The personal level of service we deliver and the positive financial impact we have had on our clients are two of the main reasons we are the fastest growing Waste Consulting Firm in the US. Please call us today so we can protect you from the financial pitfalls of dealing directly with garbage companies. Even if you think you are getting a great deal, please realize that we have over a 90% success rate in saving those who enroll with us at least 10%. GTS invites you to join our clients in saving millions of dollars each year on trash and recycling service. Please call us today to find out how we can help your business maximize it's profits.     

Image Courtesy of cooldesign /

Thursday, January 16, 2014

How Can I Save Money on Garbage Service for my Business in Washington State?

Have you ever wondered why your trash bill each month is equal to - or more than - your car payment? Have you seen several different garbage trucks on the street, but been told by the city or municipality you conduct business in that because of an agreement that exists between the city and a hauler, you must use a certain company and their seemingly exorbitant pricing structure? Have you thought to yourself: This does not seem fair - I have choices on what vendors I use for other services provided to my business – why should trash be any different?

You are not alone. Global Trash Solutions specializes in helping Business Owners in Washington navigate through the red tape into the most cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally sound solutions for waste management in Washington State.

We have recently helped several Business Owners in Seattle, Washington and other municipalities throughout the state save 40% or more on trash and recycling disposal services. By applying our experience and expertise on a location-by-location basis, we are able to save our clients tens of thousands of dollars annually on waste removal. One hopeless Business Owners and CFO’s throughout Washington are rejoicing that, with our help, they have finally found a way to salvage their hard-earned profits from the garbage dumpster and reinvest them in their business.

The best part about Global Trash Solutions’ risk-free consultation program is that we do not charge any upfront fee. That’s right - we do all of the research and planning on our client’s behalf at no charge, and implement our savings recommendations for them after they have agreed to them. This means our clients get the best service and protection from high prices from the day they enroll. We even guarantee a minimum threshold of 10% savings to our clients. We are familiar with all of the local recycling mandates and vendors in Washington State, and we have cultivated relationships with many non-profit organizations that will offer free or low-cost collection service for what our clients were once paying hundreds per month to have sent to the dump.

Please call us today at (561) 844-1445 to receive a free evaluation and audit of your current waste and recycling processes and start saving money on your trash in Washington!    

Image Courtesy of Kongsky /     

Friday, January 10, 2014

A Guide: Does Purchasing a Compactor Make Sense for My Business?

Most astute Business Owners and CFO’s spend much time pondering how they can maximize their company’s profits and lower their overhead costs. Perhaps the most obvious way to increase profits is to lower operating expenses. Like Benjamin Franklin said, “A penny saved is a penny earned.”

Still, the question that plagues many Business Owners is how to lower their expenses. That is why many businesses hire outside consultants, whose core competency is loss prevention in one area or another, to help them add money to their bottom line.

For many businesses, an important expense to consider is waste removal, especially if they generate enough trash to warrant an expense of more than $200-$300 per month. Keeping disposal costs low is particularly important for businesses that generate large volumes of waste. Every Business Owner who is looking to reduce disposal costs should ask: “Will a trash compactor save my business money?”

This can be a difficult question to answer, as sometimes compaction equipment can be a considerable investment, and it can be tough to determine or guarantee a return. However, in certain scenarios, few investments offer the kind of return that trash compactors do.

For example, let’s use John Doe, owner of a high volume QSR Restaurant that has a monthly expense of $1,150.00. The owner of this restaurant has done everything he can to lower his trash bill. He has added cardboard recycling, which helped by lowering his cost from $1,300.00 to $1,150.00, but he still has a hard time stomaching the fact that he pays $13,800.00 every year just to have his trash taken to the dump. He has even thought about hiring someone in a pick-up truck to drive the trash to the dump, but he knows this is illegal as well as unsanitary.

Frustrated by the fact that his trash bill is higher than his car payment, he does some research and decides to seek help from a company many of his fellow QSR Owners swear by, Global Trash Solutions. GlobalTrash Solutions performs a free analysis and calls Mr. Doe with great news: He can save 66% per month by investing in a trash compactor. The compactor will also improve security and aesthetics at the restaurant. Mr. Doe is ecstatic. Global Trash Solutions provides him with a detailed return on investment, financing options, and even negotiates the new price with his trash hauler for him. His equipment pays for itself in 15 months, and he adds over $9,200.00 annually back to his bottom line!

Stories like this are happening every month in 48 states throughout the country. Global Trash Solutions offers a myriad of different turn-key compaction solutions, which is why GTS is one of the fastest growing waste consulting firms in the country. Please contact us today so we can help you improve your profitability, and keep your waste costs as low as possible for life.

Photo Courtesy of Simon Howden /