Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Give Yourself a Raise by Cutting Waste Costs

Are you thinking, how can I give myself a raise by cutting waste costs? Do you own or manage a restaurant or chain of restaurants where waste and recycling is a full-time job? Are you spending more and more money on waste removal?

As 2013 comes to a tumultuous close for the fast food industry, corporate executives seek ways to boost their market share in the New Year. Long-term and short-term objectives are being reviewed as the most market-savvy managers implement the proper changes in order to maintain presence in the fast food market. For McDonald’s, the frequent leader in fast food market share, changes are coming in 2014.

With less diners eating out due to the sluggish economy, McDonald’s has managed to maintain stability as a popular option for people that want to eat out, and at a lower cost. In order to generate more business, changes like healthier menus, greater variety and additional locations, cutting waste costs, as well as remodels of existing locations are among the changes the company has slated for 2014. It is no secret, waste and recycling has become difficult to manage for chain restaurant operators. Managers are cutting waste costs through a variety of ways, among them efficient, effective trash storage and removal. As the major trash haulers in this country become more and more monopolized, small business owners are turning to companies who can offer solutions to better handle garbage in a cost-effective way.

McDonald’s franchisees quickly grabbed onto to the concept of saving money by controlling the cost of waste and recycling removal. One would think that Corporate McDonald’s, the nation’s oldest and most successful franchise, would have been at the forefront of this concept. Yet it has actually been the franchisees out in front of this issue. The franchisee community has suffered through tough times and right now the main issue facing the franchisee is cash flow. It is through controlling costs for waste and recycling that many have seen an increase in their bottom line.

To save money, companies are turning to trusted trash compactor providers such as Global Trash Solutions.  Global Trash Solutions has compactors for cardboard, food and perishable items, plastic, wood, small metals and liquids. They save time and effort expended by employees in charge of cleanup and trash companies contracted to pick up commercial trash. That means less noise and traffic from garbage trucks on company premises, and less trips to pick up trash by garbage trucks decreases fuel emissions. This puts a company in good standing with their surrounding communities and local governments, and this can save them money on garbage removal fees and through tax credits.

If you’re a small or large volume trash producer, call Global Trash Solutions at (866) 760-8194 to learn how you can start saving money today.  When you call, we will conduct a complete evaluation of  your current trash situation. Followed by a detailed plan for garbage removal and the associated costs. Now is the time to give yourself a raise.  Make Global Trash Solutions part of your new year cost cutting resolutions.

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