Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Is Your Waste Broker Actually Just a Hauler Pretending to be Impartial?

Do you own or work for a business that has elected to use a waste broker for the purpose of lowering costs, simplifying the billing process for multiple locations throughout a large territory, or any other reason? Have you or a member of your staff done extensive research on the broker you have elected to use? There are pros and cons to using waste brokers, however it is important to know the history of the broker you are using in order to avoid overpaying.
When selecting a Broker, please consider that all of the major haulers in the US have an extension of their company that acts as a “broker”, or supposed impartial third party, who in reality will use the parent company that owns them for service at your businesses locations, or at least use their landfills, which often leads to higher costs for you. For example, according to a press release in July of 2010, Waste Management, the America’s largest waste hauler, announced that it had acquired Oakleaf Holdings, America’s largest waste broker, for $425 Million dollars. Along with giving WM the ability to write national contracts that encompass areas their trucks may not service, this acquisition gave WM the free reign to haul any of the locations under management with Oakleaf or any of its branches. Some other examples of brokers owned by haulers are The William-Thomas Group, owned by Rumpke, Guardian Waste Group, owned by Advanced Disposal.

The major drawback to using the above mentioned companies to broker your businesses waste accounts is that you are essentially giving up your freedom to select the most cost effective vendors. The invoices from these companies are often not transparent and latent with a slew of miscellaneous surcharges and mystery fees that many businesses elect to use a broker to avoid. By choosing Global TrashSolutions as your single source for waste disposal and recycling service, you can be certain you are always paying the lowest available market rates while receiving the best available service because GTS is truly impartial and only offers objective opinions about the conditions of the hauling market in your region. We allow our customers to choose whatever vendor best suits them, but we hold these vendors accountable. Please call us today for more information at (866) 760-8194       

Image courtesy of stockimages/

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