Friday, July 6, 2018

Global Trash Solution’s Environmental Stewardship Philosophy

Global Trash Solutions (GTS) has a company goal to reach “zero waste” emission. At our corporate office, we reduce, reuse, and eliminate on a daily basis. We also extend this philosophy to our customers.

One way we help our clients make a better environmental impact is to analyze their waste processes and determine what can be eliminated. For example, we encourage our retail clients to reduce waste through the elimination of Styrofoam packing materials. We not only encourage elimination, but also help them find better alternatives. One alternative is promoting the use of recycling over trash services. A big area clients and the environment can benefit is through the recycling of old corrugated cardboard (OCC). We also promote single stream recycling, where all items including glass, aluminum, plastic, and paper are put together for pickup. In many cases, we find that recycling services are a cheaper alternative to using only trash services. It is also the most beneficial option for the environment. If a client was not previously using recycling services, we will encourage them to begin doing so.

Our experts can also help clients find the right equipment for waste reduction and elimination, such as a baler, which compacts and ties trash. This effort has the added advantage of producing waste that can be sold for reuse. We also offer audits to showcase waste minimization numbers, which have great advertising potential for clients. When your clients want to see what you are doing to help the environment, you can easily show them.

We deal with a variety of chains, from McDonalds to Macys, which makes these environmentally beneficial efforts easier to duplicate. While organic waste is biodegradable, food chains still produce waste like cups and other packaging materials. We work to eliminate as much waste as possible by encouraging our clients to move away from non-recyclable materials and use recyclable materials instead. Retail chains have an advantage over food chains, as they can get the closest to zero waste emission. Through recycling programs, including single stream which allows you to combine all recyclables in one bin, to baling and selling packaging materials, retail chains can reduce waste and potentially make money.

As stated, our company’s environmental philosophy is to reach zero waste emission. We have set goals to move toward solar power, electric cars for company officers, increasing recycling efforts, and even creating a compost pile outside our headquarters. We not only have these goals for our company, but also strive to help our clients reach zero waste emission. By taking our recommendations and working towards zero waste, our clients can reduce and, in many cases, even recoup costs, which is beneficial to both them and the environment.

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